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    You are browsing a Event Listing in category Misc >> Farm+Garden  listed in city Indianapolis, Indiana

    Traders Point Green Market at Traders Point Creamery, Zionsville IN - May 17, 2013 to Oct 25, 2013

    Entry Price: $
    Event Type: Paid
    Contact Phone: 317-733-1700

    Location: Traders Point Creamery

    Event Date: 5/17/2013

    Event End Date: 10/25/2013

    Traders Point Green Market at Traders Point Creamery, Zionsville INDIANA - May 17, 2013 to October 25, 2013 *** 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM *** Join us weekly for an opportunity to purchase local products from local farmers *** The purpose of the Traders Point Green Market is to help local organic farmers, and those who use organic methods, make a decent living from farming. The Green Market tries to do this by providing a farmers market dedicated solely to organically produced foods and by developing and expanding the customer base for these foods *** During the winter season (November- April), the market is held inside the heated Red Barn Saturdays from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. coinciding with a breakfast. Things move outdoors for the summer season (May-October) on Fridays from 4-8 p.m. combining with Dinner on the Deck *** www.traderspointcreamery.com , IN
    Photo Attachments:    
    Traders Point Green Market at Traders Point Creamery, Zionsville IN - May 17, 2013 to Oct 25, 2013
    Contact Details:
    Name: Admin    
    Email: info@thecommunity100dotcom    
    Address to Event is given below:

    Traders Point Creamery
    9101 Moore Rd.

    Map and Directions Below:
    To get directions to location of event Traders Point Creamery enter your address click "Get Directions" or see the event location on map below as shown:
    Click Here for Map To Destination: 9101 Moore Rd., Zionsville, INDIANA 46077