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    You are browsing a Event Listing in category Personal >> Running Races  listed in city Indianapolis, Indiana

    Indy 500: OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon at Downtown Indianapolils INDIANA - May 4, 2013

    Entry Price: $
    Event Type: Free
    Contact Phone: 317-614-6464

    Location: Downtown Indianapolis

    Event Date: 5/4/2013

    Event End Date: 5/4/2013

    Indy 500: OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon at Downtown Indianapolils, Indianapolis INDIANA - Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 7:30 AM *** The 37th Running of the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is the first race of many in the month of May! The Mini has sold-out for the past eight years. The Mini-Marathon is the largest half-marathon in the U.S., and overall, the fifth largest running event in America *** The 500 Festival Mini-Marathon Expo takes place on Thursday and Friday, before the half-marathon at the Indiana Convention Center. Participants pick up their race packets and visit the booths of more than 80 companies and vendors. The Expo is open to the public, with over 40,000 people attending *** www.500festival.com/mini-marathon
    Photo Attachments:    
    Indy 500: OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon at Downtown Indianapolils INDIANA - May 4, 2013
    Contact Details:
    Name: Admin    
    Email: info@thecommunity100dotcom    
    Address to Event is given below:

    Downtown Indianapolis

    Map and Directions Below:
    To get directions to location of event Downtown Indianapolis enter your address click "Get Directions" or see the event location on map below as shown:
    Click Here for Map To Destination: Indianapolis, Indianapolis, INDIANA 46225